Class iDrac6

Main iDrac6 Class


  • iDrac6



IDRAC_DATA_TYPES: typeof IDrac6DataTypes = IDrac6DataTypes

Export all iDrac Data Types you can request currently

POWER_ACTIONS: typeof PowerActions = PowerActions

All power actions you can send with this library

POWER_STATES: typeof PowerState = PowerState

All power states this library could return


  • You don't need to invoke this function by yourself. It gets invoked automatically, if there is no session or the current is not valid anymore.

    Returns Promise<undefined | true>

  • Send an action to set a new power state


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Update current instance options. Note: This function also validates them. So make sure they are correct.


    Returns void

  • Validate current instance options. Method also gets called if you invoke updateOptions()

    Returns void

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